Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stop & Smell The Azaleas!

Whoo-hoo! I am a blogger! I have become obsessed in reading my friends and sister-in-laws blog, (Love ya Nicole), that I decided it was time that Beeper and I branch out from facebook and myspace and have one of our own!

So, this past Saturday Val and I ran the Azalea Run in Tyler. The race started at 8, it was raining, and it was cold! I was thinking not only did I volunteer to do this but I PAID for this... WHAT? I feel the need to fill you in that it was only two miles! I know compared to my husband, the "Marathon Runner", this is nothing. Even though it took us half the time to run it, than it did to drive there... it was well worth it! We had a lot of fun!!!

He we are before the big run!

After the big run!


shannon said...

Hooray for you running your marathon! What a trooper!! Love you bunches!
Aunt Shannon

Unknown said...

Yeah for you!!!!! You are awesome and your blog is too. You are now officially a blogger and a jogger. Wow my humor is lame. Anywho, I love that you are now a runner. We have to do one together sometime! Love you girl and you're blog totally kicks my blogs butt! I love the video.
Love, Nicole