Anytime you head over to the "Kraus House" you know that you are in for a GOOD TIME and last night was one of THOSE nights. Like always, we began the evening with a feast of scrumptious food (thank you Flipper & Frannie). Afterwards, we planned on playing some "family" card games, you know, any game that the BOYS can cheat at works. During cleaning up and getting all the "Lil Kraus Boys" down for the night... the "Big Kraus Boys" began to get bored. You all know what happens when BOYS get bored... well they find things to do! After hearing "POINT" for the 13th time... I knew that I had to take a peek. This is what I found...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
KraZy KraUS BOYz!
Posted by The Krazy Kraus' @ 12:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My New Fav...
Okay, so today I was cleaning the house and you can not clean without loud music, at least I can't! I rarely listen to CMT, but today VH1, MTV, BET etc. wasn't playing music so last resort was CMT. Anywho... CMT was doing there weekly countdown when I heard my new favorite song with a slammin (how you like that) SUMMER VIDEO to go with it. I am sure I am behind on the lastest country hits, but I just had to share! Hope that you enjoy this video as much as I did... I can not wait to hang out on the beach, with Beep & the ipod, and soak up the sun, while jammin to "All I Want To Do!" Here's to summer... Whoo-hoo! I LOVE SUMMER!!!
Posted by The Krazy Kraus' @ 6:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Father's Day!
This past weekend we celebrated Father's Day with all the Daddy's in our family.
Saturday we hung out by the pool, at the Kraus House. We ate great food... thanks to Jeffrey for being the cook and sharing your "home grown" veggies with us. Everything was scrumptious! Special shout out to Joey who celebrated his 1st Father's Day! Whoo-hoo!
Sunday we went to Pappy's farm and ate more food! Again there were more veggies, compliments to Pappy, the gardener. Dang, who doesn't have their own garden? Maybe that is what I need to do over my summer... Oh my gosh...I could buy some cutie-puh*tootie garden shoes, and a HUGE hat, to keep away the rays! You laugh, but you can totally see it too right? Yes this sounds like a great idea, but I will have to run this all by my right hand man...BPK!
Father's Day was fun and eventful, I even got to go flower picking with my Daddy! Here's to all the Daddy's out there hope that you had a Great Father's Day!
Posted by The Krazy Kraus' @ 1:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
What... A New Post?!?
Alright Val... Are you happy I have finally made my way back to the keyboard?
Okay, first thing first... I must apologize to those of you that actually read our blog! You haven't been doing any reading in the past month... because I have totally just dropped you! Again my deepest apologies! Believe me I have not been blogging because I nothing to blog about... the past month has brought a world wind of events. Bunker down people your gonna be here for a while! :)
Let's begin...
Memorial Weekend we all set sail to Kranky's Resort in Kingwood! As you can tell in the pics we had so much fun! Some of us... BPK... got over served with the help of his "Rowdy Family" - which would explain the "bobbing for beer!" I too, did what I love most which was: eating yummy food & watching movies with great company - thanks Sarah and Jordan! "Hats Off" to Uncle Kranky and Aunt Sarah for the great weekend and sharing your retreat with us. I can not wait to party again with you guys... this time on the BEACH! Hootie-Hoo!
June 7th was a day of celebration! My brother and cousin graduated from high school. Unfortunately, one went to Pine Tree and the other in Hallsville, and there graduation was the same night and same time. Seeing how the whole family could not be both places at once we all had to get together to celebrate. So we ate an early dinner at GZ's (yummy) and then parted ways. Graduation did not start till 8. This made me excited, I had time to relax, it wouldn't be hot... etc! WRONG-O! If you know my Mother this will not surprise you in any way. We left for the stadium at 6:20'ish...
Sitting in the stands for an hour/half I had plenty of time to think and reflect. I could not believe that it had been 8 years since Beep and I had made our walk on that very stage. I loved high school, I am one of those that would go back in a minute if given that choice. It was a time of learning, living carefree, biggest worry literally was what your Friday night plans were. Oh were those the days! Let's check the time: hmmm... 6:45... did not take me very long to reflect!
Let's fast forward---> Finally 8 o'clock and the music begins to play... Hunter makes his way down the track! He looks so big and grown up! They all sit down and I look down at the program to discover all the people that will be called out before his. Oh geeeezzzz... I really do not remember graduation being this long. We make our way through the alphabet and then we arrive to the G's... "HUNTER JACOB GREEN!" He walks across stage and gives us his BIG, side hitched, "Stephen Tyler," smile. We yelled like it was nobodies business! And that was it...
It still is amazing to me how you work so hard and dedicate 13 years of your life for five seconds!
Here is a little math: If you stay in school all thirteen years (I am including the most important year here people, kindergarten-duh!) That puts you at dedicating over 16,653 hours of your time at school, that is not including extra curricular activities, studying etc. DANG THAT IS A LOT, but you see it is all worth it because on graduation night they are going to announce your name in front of everyone and give you five seconds of that 16,653 hours back. :)
So here is what I have learned... you only get those five seconds once... GO OUT WITH A BANG BABY! Do something that people will remember, spice it up! I am going to start thinking about what my kids, the kids I do not have, can do at their graduation. If you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know... :)
Posted by The Krazy Kraus' @ 11:03 AM 18 comments