This morning was insane I couldn't sleep for anything. I got up and ate my usual... 2 waffles and began drinking UP SOME WATER! I was going to make sure that we could see the baby and ALL of his/her glory!
Our appointment was at 11:00 and of course Beep and I showed up right at 11:00 and not a minute earlier... (it is just what I do!) Oh, and of course my Mama & Daddy and Frannie were all there before us (it is just what they do.) (I unfortunately didn't inherit that gene.)
Did I mention that this was a total family affair? Hey, You know Amanda Laine loves a Party! So we all PILE in the dark room and take our places in front of the little 15" monitor! (Oh I feel the need to mention that Flipper was unable to make it due to a "Belly Jelly" issue - we all know that he has ISSUES, but this one trumps them all! So he HAPPILY awaited, but on speaker phone of course!) :)
The show began with some measurements... they measured the brain, kidneys, spine, all the little organs, etc. The baby continued to keep his/her legs tightly closed the whole time. Then apparently the baby got tired and realized that we were on a mission so it gave us a sneak peak...
As promised...
Yes! I am a physic and the PENCIL TEST is CORRECT AGAIN!!!
It's a boy... It's a boy! I am crazy excited!
Here are some pictures of our Precious Little BOY!!!
I am in tears just typing that out... I can't believe that this day has FINALLY COME!
This picture proves we're having a SON!
Full body shot...
Would you check out the posture on that boy!
Sitting up already? lol
This is an up close picture of his face.
We think that he may be a little BOXER...
today he was working on his punching skills!
Okay now come on this is just TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!
Our little guy is just relaxing... already a KRAUS, crossing his feet and ready for a NAP!
As you can tell I am so PROUD and EXCITED! Thank you for letting me gush about our happiness... but, please let me type this just one more time...
Okay, that will hold me over until the next blog! :)
Love ya'll,
A. Laine
What a cutie! I seriously can't wait to see that little guy in person. I am so excited for you guys. I couldn't be happier or my insides would explode!
Oh that is so great! I know you two are going to have so much fun! Congratulations again!
YAY!!!! Congrats Amanda!! I'm so happy for y'all!
Awww lucky krauses. I really don't know if anyone would truly know what to do with a girl. That is just too much fun!!!! I am so happy for you all and we can't wait to meet HIM ;)
Congratulations!!!!! It had to be a Boy, it is a Kraus thing :)
Always keeping you in my heart.
Aunt Sandy
I am so excited for both of us!!!! Now Addison and Baby Kraus can play together!!!!! Addison has so many choices now for a boyfriend!!! :)
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