Tuesday, January 20, 2009

You never know who is listening...

Out with the OLD and in with the NEW!  Today was a day to remember forever... NO MATTER your race, gender or age!  I learned that more today from my little "Kraus Crew" friends...      
So we started off the day reading stories and discussing how great it is to be an American.  Which led us into how our parents got to vote for our president, just like we vote on things everyday, in our class.  That is when the stories came FLOODING.... Parents truly under estimate their children and how much they HEAR, RETAIN and TELL their teachers!  You would have thought that my children ACTUALLY voted in the election.  It was a debate... and IT WAS ON!!!
A couple of FUNNY quotes from the "Kraus Crew:" 
  • Mrs. Kraus is "Rocco Boom-u" going to steal my money like he is going to steal my Mommy and Daddy's? 
  • Mrs. Kraus, I like Obama, and I would have been friends with Hillary Clinton too... EVEN though she is WHITE!  My mama said she's AIGHT!!! :) lol (I don't care who you are... NOW that is FUNNY!!!)
I must admit I did let this go on for a while, because it was hilarious to hear what ALL was coming out of their little innocent mouths.  At the same time, I was excited to learn that all of this was actually being discussed in their home... PEOPLE FINALLY CARED!!!
Moving on:  So I came up with some hats to make... I thought they would be festively fun,  AND THEY WERE!!! :) We wrote on them President (last name)... So I was finally President Kraus for the day.  (hmmm... I wonder if they wondered why President Obama didn't have his festive hat on during the inauguration?)   

I feel the need to mention that I had 6 friends missing from this picture... in a perfect world you would only have 12 children on a daily basis.  :)

This afternoon we also made a Kindergarten "Student Body" American Flag! They had so much fun... fingers crossed we will be in the paper tomorrow!
Here's to being a PROUD American, Loving Kids Innocence, and knowing that "DREAMS" really do come true!

God Bless,
Amanda Laine
a.k.a.  President A. Kraus
(It really does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?)


The Johnson's said...

Oh my gosh this is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! You are the best teacher! Love it!